Women's Microsurgery Group Travel Scholarship


The Women’s Microsurgery Group Travel Scholarship aims to foster early interest in reconstructive microsurgery in women medical students or residents. ViOptix will be funding two travel scholarships for the Women’s Microsurgery Group. Awardee will attend the ASRM Annual Meeting, attend the Women’s Microsurgery Group reception, and write a short piece about her experience at the meeting to be published in the ASRM newsletter and/or website. Funding includes travel to the ASRM Annual Meeting, hotel for up to 4 nights, and ASRM meeting registration fees.

Applicants must be females, medical students or residents in good standing in an U.S. or Canadian medical school or residency interested in pursuing reconstructive microsurgery. Applicants must submit a completed application, letter of recommendation, current CV, and a personal statement addressing your interest in microsurgery and the ASRM as well as the top five characteristics, qualifications, priorities and expertise both personally and professionally you are looking for in a mentor. All applications must be submitted by September 15.

Download the application form (PDF)


  • giulia daneshgaran

    Katie Zhu

  • megan fracol

    Kacy Benedict, MD


  • giulia daneshgaran

    Elizabeth Boudiab, MD

  • megan fracol

    Jonlin Chen, MD


  • giulia daneshgaran

    Giulia Daneshgaran

  • megan fracol

    Megan Fracol, MD


  • cara black

    Cara Black

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    Christina Vargas, MD


  • Alexandra Keane

    Alexandra Keane

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    Stephanie Koonce, MD


  • Alexandra Keane

    Paschalia (Lina) Mountziaris, MD, PhD

  • Chao Long

    Chao Long


  • Katherine Santosa

    Katherine Santosa, MD




  • Siba Haykal

    Siba Haykal, MD

  • Irene Pien

    Irene Pien, MD


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    Marquita Kilgore, MD