Your support dollars provide our attendees with valuable meeting necessities. We need your support to continue to provide you with a well-attended, high-quality meeting. A full description and pricing for promotional/marketing and support opportunities will be listed in the prospectus which will be available this summer. All previous supporters will receive right-of-first refusal for any opportunities they supported in 2025.
Over 1,600 hand, plastic, orthopedic, and affiliated surgical professionals attended the Annual Meetings of the AAHS, ASPN and ASRM in 2024. Literature about the Annual Meetings will be received by more than 10,000 HCPs in these specialties over the several months before the meeting. This means your company will have the benefit of a wide reaching marketing campaign and added exposure through in-person, on-site support via exhibition and/or sponsorship!
he AAHS ASPN ASRM Annual Meetings are attended by medical professionals representing a variety of specialties including: microsurgery, orthopedics, plastic and general surgery, physical/occupational therapy, certified hand therapists, neurosurgeons, general scientists, advanced practice providers, and allied health professionals.
Women in Microsurgery Group Workshop $3,000 - $18,000
This workshop is limited to 30 women microsurgeons meeting for a day to explore life-work balance techniques through yoga, inspirational speaker, round table discussions and a social networking event in the evening. Sponsoring opportunities available
- Full Sponsorship of Workshop includes branding opportunities during entire workshop inclusive of yoga, session, breaks, giveaways, happy hour and dinner. $18,000
- Activities Workshop educational and inspirational activities (breakfast, yoga, speaker, roundtable, lunch) $8,000
- Happy Hour sponsorship is one hour prior to dinner and branding opportunities available. $3,000
- Dinner Sole sponsorship is $8,000 and partial sponsorship $3,000. Branding opportunities available and sponsors will have a few minutes to address the guests during dinner.
The Young Microsurgeons Group hosts a wonderful reception to assist young microsurgeons with networking with other ASRM members and welcome the new members of the organization. This event is highly regarded by young surgeons and is well attended every year. The company providing support for this event will have signage at the event acknowledging their support as well as on any promotional marketing material.
ASRM Golf Invitational $3,000 - $10,000
The ASRM Golf Invitational is open to all attendees, guests and exhibitors to enjoy a day of golf in Hawaii, network and develop comradery. The proceeds from the invitational go to the Future Growth Fund which supports the educational mission of the organization, research grants, scholarship and traveling fellowships. Please contact to discuss the range of opportunities to sponsor a portion or all of this activity.
Sewing with the Masters are sessions that allow young surgeons the opportunity to perfect their technique during a one-on-one 15 minute session working under a microscope with a master of microsurgery. It has been a great success last year with over 200 participants over two days. The ASRM desires in-kind donations of surgical instruments, microscopes, stools, sutures, surgical trays and gloves. Please contact to discuss further if interested.
Attendees will enjoy entertainment and a casual atmosphere which will be sure to set the tone for the days of learning ahead. The company providing support for this reception will have signage at the event acknowledging their support as well as company name included on event tickets received by each attendee.
It’s been 28 years since the ASRM established the Godina Traveling Fellowship. The loyal Godina Alumni gather once a year during the annual meeting at this private reception. This provides them the opportunity to discuss a number of issues and welcome in the new Godina Alumnus.
ASRM members perform microsurgery at an incredibly high level. Despite this, those cases often tend to be one-of-a-kind and therefore not well-suited for public dissemination or publication. At the annual ASRM meeting we will be addressing this situation by presenting two awards for excellence in microsurgery. One award will focus on microsurgical salvage from a complication (self- created or other), the other on the best microsurgical case of the year. By offering these awards, we hope to showcase some of the incredible talent and innovation that our members possess and utilize on a daily basis. Your support of $15,000 will enable us to provide the attendees with beverage and an audience response system for voting. We will acknowledge this support on the drink tickets, posters, program guide and during programming.
Young Microsurgeons Fellowship Roundtable $5,000
Fellow Meet & Greet Forum where residents and medical students is introduced to the microsurgical fellowships and active fellows through a series of presentations and Q&A’s. This session is well attended with historical numbers exceeding 100. Sponsors will have signage at the event as well recognition on marketing material, during the event as well as on our website.
Women in Microsurgery Group Luncheon $7,000
This luncheon is open to 60 attendees to listen and interact with a panel discussing topics focused on professional development and work-life balance. Previous topics presented include preventing burnout, defining one’s career success, work-life balance, and negotiating.
This reception is hosted by the ASRM Women’s Microsurgery Group and welcomes all ASRM attendees to attend along with their family members to network in a relaxed atmosphere.
ASRM Celebration $5,000 - $20,000 This event is the highlight social event of the meeting with dinner and dancing. This event is attended by approximately 400 attendees to close the meeting out and share experiences and camaraderie. Sponsorship opportunities range from supporting entertainment, decoration, food, beverage, table(s) to a general sponsorship for the event.
Wi-Fi $10,000
A program book will not be printed which will make connectivity essential! Be this meeting’s hero and provide free Wi-Fi access to all attendees. Your logo will be prominently displayed with all log-in directions, along with a splash screen. The sponsor is able to customize the Wi-Fi password.
Program Guide Pamphlet Ad $8,000
A quick reference program guide will be distributed to all attendees. Sponsor may brand the piece with company name and advertising on back cover.
Breakfast $10,000/day
Breakfast is served each morning in the exhibit area. Each company providing support for this part of the meeting will have signage at the breakfast acknowledging their support. All social distancing and safety measures will be followed in providing breakfast to attendees.
Continuous Coffee Service $7,500/day
Coffee is always a hot commodity at the Annual Meetings! The sponsor will be recognized as providing coffee continuously in the exhibit hall throughout the conference. All social distancing and safety measures will be followed in providing coffee to attendees.
Lunch $15,000/day
The company providing lunch support will have signage at the lunch acknowledging their support. Lunch will be offered on designated days for each individual group in the Exhibit Hall. All social distancing and safety measures will be followed in providing lunch to attendees.
Hotel Room Keys $10,000
All attendees staying in the hotel will see your company name and logo on their hotel keycard.
E-posters $5,000
The ASRM incorporates an electronic format for the posters in the Scientific Program for ASRM. This format enhances the poster viewing through a series of large hi-definition touchscreen monitors. Your company logo will be highly visible onscreen in the list of posters available.
Meeting Bags $15,000*
Every registered attendee (approximately 1400) will carry your company name and logo (product logo will not be accepted) on their bag. You may include one product flyer in every bag.
* pricing applies to tote bag. Backpacks will be assessed additional charges.